The Caelian Cycle Boxed Set Read online

Page 4

  Two halls extended from each side of the main building, with a third opposite the main building, making a square courtyard that housed the gardens. The two side buildings were for classes, one for school and the other for Talent classes. The third building housed the other staff members, such as food service, office, and janitorial staff, as well as a storage area. Students were forbidden in the third building and on the first floors of the residential wings. Both areas were outfitted with fingerprint scanners, preventing students from entering. Each building’s design attempted to duplicate the reverence of the European Catholic church and marry it with modern sleekness. The result was intimidating.

  Stopping for a moment, I noticed the stack of discarded clothes on the floor near the foot of Rebecca’s bed. She was meticulous about her looks, but that is where her selectiveness ended. That particular personality trait was most likely the result of her Talent. A siren’s looks trump the spotlessness of her room. I wouldn’t go so far as to call her a slob, but she definitely wasn’t clean. Sighing, I decided to straighten up her side of the room too.

  Homework done, room spotless, and with an hour to spare, I was high on a feeling of accomplishment when Rebecca waltzed in and stopped short, taking in the room. Today she was wearing a sliver wrap-around dress that accented her midnight skin and was about three inches shorter than school policy allowed but, with the help of the matching strappy heels, accented her mile long legs. As usual, she was primped to perfection.

  “Room’s clean. Thanks!” she said cheerfully. As soon as she stopped talking, she wrinkled her nose. “What’s that smell?”

  “It’s what a room is supposed to smell like. Clean and lemony fresh,” I replied as I began rummaging through my clothes for an outfit.

  “Aren’t you leaving at 7?” Rebecca pinched her chin while looking me over. Assessing me with shrewd scrutiny, lingering over my sweaty, run down appearance.

  “Yep. 45 minutes is plenty of time to shower and throw on some clothes,” I replied.

  “No, No, No. You cannot do this on your first night out in months. You have to dress up!” Rebecca exclaimed as she bumped her hip against mine, successfully pushing me out of the way.

  “No I don’t. I would feel uncomfortable if I went out looking like you. No offense though.”

  “None taken,” she replied while pulling out a few selections of jeans and tops. “But there is nothing wrong with doing a little more than your everyday look when you’re going out.” She paused and turned to look at me. “Nothing crazy. I won’t dress you like me or even force you to put on makeup.”

  “Okay,” I relented.

  “Now go take a shower,” she demanded. “I’ll take care of everything out here.”

  Grabbing my robe, I took off toward the bathroom. As soon as I shut off the water, I heard Rebecca knocking on the door. “Hurry up, we need to dry your hair.”

  I chuckled to myself as I toweled off and slipped into my robe. When I stepped into our room, Rebecca assaulted my arm and pulled me toward her desk which, unlike mine, she used as a vanity. It took nearly 20 minutes to dry my thick hair and, for once, my hair fell into a wave that looked both natural and beautiful. Rebecca pinned back one side of my hair with a simple emerald clip.

  “Okay, now get dressed. I laid out your clothes and yes, you will wear the underwear I picked,” she commanded. I turned to look at the outfit she had picked, my heart beating fast from nerves, but it was all needless. I relaxed at the sight of the slim-fitted jeans and emerald tank top that shimmered in the setting sun. She paired the top with a black cardigan and matching flats. It was perfect until I saw the underwear. Rebecca must have been out of her mind to think I was wearing that. I turned to protest.

  Rebecca cut me off. “No arguing. We both know that no one will see it, but wearing it will make you feel sexy, and feeling sexy will make you confident.”

  I glared at her a moment before turning to look at the offending garments; the lacy black push-up bra and boy short set still had the price tag secured. The matched set stared back, daring me to put them on. I remembered when Rebecca gave them to me last year for my birthday. When I opened the gift, my face flamed from embarrassment as she cackled on the other side of the cafeteria table. Why didn’t she give them to me in our room? As I sat there in shock, Liam reached over to peek at what had caused such an extreme reaction. He glanced in the bag before dragging his unwavering gaze back to mine and anchoring me with his desire. His Adam’s apple bounced as his face spread into a sly grin. I remember turning to Rebecca as she gave me a knowing look. She had wanted Liam to see them.

  My face was warm at the memory. I didn’t talk to Rebecca for two days after that stunt, but she didn’t care because the underwear served their purpose. After my birthday, Liam and I made more effort to sneak in some steamy make out sessions.

  Grabbing the clothes, I turned around made my way to the bathroom. Once inside, I threw on my clothes without looking once at how my body looked in the racy underwear. Finished in record time, I glanced in the mirror. Rebecca had done a fine job. My clothes were comfortable, but not something I would choose to wear, and the bra made my small boobs look amazing. I turned around a few times before exiting. Rebecca sat back on her bed, eyeing me with her lips pursed. She motioned with her fingers for me to turn and I obliged. She abruptly jumped up and walked to my desk.

  After digging around for a few minutes, she pulled out a necklace I hadn’t thought about in years. The gold chain was long and strong although it looked fragile. The platinum pendant, a monogrammed M encircled with vines and roses made from rose gold, sparkled in the waning sunlight. It was just as exquisite as I remembered. When I was abandoned at Saint Vincent’s, all I had to my name was a piece of paper with an account number on it and this necklace.

  Rebecca slipped it over my head and adjusted my hair on top of the chain. She smiled at me. “Now you look perfect.”

  I returned her smile. Glancing at the clock, I leaned in for a quick hug before rushing out the door and ignored how her hug made my body heat up for a moment.

  Chapter 6

  When Michael, Lacy, and I arrived, the party was in full swing. The common area of the Caelian frat house was filled with an even mixture of multicolored Caelians and muted norms. I had never seen such a gathering of norms in person before; it was unsettling and put me on edge.

  “Don’t worry, Sadie,” Michael leaned in to whisper. “Each person is a member of the Human-Caelian Alliance, and if they brought a guest, they had to register ahead of time.”

  “Okay,” I replied, looking into his eyes for reassurance.

  Although Lacy was Liam’s twin, he favored Michael the most. Michael towered over me and he filled out his large frame. It was obvious by the way his t-shirt was straining that Michael had been visiting the gym on a regular basis. His russet hair was shaggier since the last time I had seen him; it hung in his bright hazel eyes, giving him a mysterious air. Those hazel eyes caught mine and held them, reassuring me that I would be safe.

  Lacy grabbed my arm and dragged me forward, leading me closer to a group standing in the corner furthest from the music. The group of two Caelians and a single norm were in deep discussion when Lacy and I disrupted their conversation.

  "Hey guys!" Lacy exclaimed. "This is my friend Sadie." Her arm curled around my waist, tugging me closer. My heart pounded in my chest as all eyes focused on me. Sweat poured down my back as I lifted my hand in a small wave. Each face simultaneously broke into a grin.

  The first to speak up was a tiny Caelian female with the darkest green hair—the color of pine needles—that I had ever seen. Her velvety indigo eyes sparkled as she spoke. I instantly liked her.

  "Welcome. Lacy and Michael have spoken highly of you. I'm Jean, student representative for the campus chapter of the alliance." I shook her outstretched hand.

  The other Caelian spoke up. He resembled blazing fire – his spiky scarlet hair and swirling orange eyes burned with intensity. "My br
other and I feel like we already know you." He gestured toward the norm standing to his left. "Lacy is fond of you."

  "I am fond of her and Michael. They helped me to view the world differently," I replied.

  "We need more people like Lacy and Michael in the world" Jean replied wistfully. "Anyway, if you need anything, just let me know. I hope you enjoy yourself and make new friends." She turned to the Caelian and his brother. "Good to see you again, Ethan and Austin."

  "Well, as you heard, my name’s Austin," the norm spoke up. "This knucklehead is Ethan." He blew his shaggy jet black mop out of his mischievous electric blue eyes as he poked his Caelian brother in the side. Ethan cocked his head and focused on his brother. His eyes sparkled with amusement, causing his orange eyes to dance like two flames as a smile dangled on the corner of his lips. It was apparent they had a great relationship.

  "Sadie, their story is amazing. Ethan and Austin grew up together! Their parents were happy to have a Talented child and decided to keep him. A few years later Austin was born." Lacy spoke up so we could hear her over the noise of the growing crowd. "Their parents homeschooled both of them and now they both go to school here."

  "That’s amazing! I've never known a Caelian that didn’t live in an orphanage," I gushed.

  "It was difficult because of the prejudice, but we managed. I am happy to have grown up in a loving home." Ethan paused as the music was turned up and changed to a more upbeat tempo. He yelled, "I guess they're ready for the party to begin!"

  "We're going to go dance!" Lacy yelled while dragging me toward the dance floor.

  It seemed that every person was on the floor writhing to the beat. I stood with my arms pressed against my sides as stiff as a board, moving only when bumped while Lacy threw her hands in the air and swayed. Her hair bounced and shimmered under the light, highlighting the natural red tones in her light brown hair. She swayed her petite frame to the music, bumping out her narrow hips in a tantalizing sway. Her grass green eyes locked with mine and took notice of my reluctance. She leaned in. "You need to let go. Right now, nothing else matters. Just release it and dance!"

  At her words, I closed my eyes began to sway. As the beat got faster, so did I. I let go of my pain, insecurities, and worry. The freedom was exhilarating, and it felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I opened my eyes and Lacy was dancing close with Austin.

  I kept my eyes open during the next song, absorbing the scene and truly allowing myself to have fun. Michael was sitting on the couch in a deep discussion with two other people, ignoring the festivities. I frowned. He was supposed to be having fun, too. I decided in the moment to move toward him and force him to get out on the floor with me.

  Halfway to the couch, I bumped into a broad mountain that appeared out of nowhere. I jumped back, lost my footing in my haste, and felt myself falling until a hand firmly grasped my wrist and pulled me against a rock-hard chest. My hands were trapped between our two bodies and they itched to explore the firm landscape. I fell into a warm embrace; my stomach dropped and a strong current moved throughout my body. Placing my hands on the chest, I pushed back and looked up to see who was molded intimately against me.

  He was looking at me, confusion wrinkling his forehead. The bewildered expression did nothing to negate the beauty of his large, hooded, mauve eyes. His square jaw clenched and his full lips pursed as he pushed me away. I crossed my arms, all good feelings from before forgotten in the small rejection. It's not like I was hitting on him. He's the one who pulled me into his chest and held me.

  We stared at each other, cataloguing everything. A dark t-shirt stretched against the bulge of his arms. Its length, tight against the sinewy muscles of his chest and abs, struggled to conceal a pair of low slung jeans that hugged his narrow hips. He brushed his goldenrod hair out of his eyes and let out an exasperated breath. I turned to glance at Michael, whose brow bumped together in a scowl. I winked and gave what I hoped was a confident smile, letting him know I was okay, and he went back to his discussion.

  I turned back to the Caelian. He was staring at Michael and his group, gaze narrowed. He was breathtaking in profile. I chastised myself at once. What was I doing ogling this stranger?

  “Excuse me,” I mumbled, pushing past him to resume my course. I felt a hand on my wrist.

  “Wait.” His deep voice vibrated in my chest and for a moment I wondered if his Talent involved sound waves. “Do I know you?”

  “No. I don’t go to school here and I rarely leave the orphanage,” I replied, shaking off his hand and edging closer to Michael, but they were no longer at the couch. I rocked back and forth on my heels as I scanned the room, searching for Michael and his friends with no luck. Deciding against going back to the dance floor and risking the hot Caelian talking to me again, I pivoted on my heel and took off in the direction of the kitchen for a drink.

  Couples leaning against the walls in various displays of affection were scattered throughout the living and kitchen area. One couple, leaning against the counter in the kitchen, stopped me in my tracks. The Caelian boy’s disheveled emerald hair reminded me of Liam, and he was caressing a norm. The shock of seeing a norm and a Caelian in a romantic embrace battled with the searing pain that felt like it would burst from my chest.

  I didn’t know how long I stood there staring, my breaths coming in sharper with each inhalation, when I felt a gentle hand on my elbow guiding me away from the couple. I kept my attention solely focused on the couple until the person leading me opened the door to the back patio. I stepped out in the fresh air, closed my eyes, and filled my lungs with the fresh but humid air as I walked toward the railing. I had to get myself together. Liam was gone. I understood that and knew he wasn’t coming back, but I saw his ghost everywhere. I felt the terror and guilt pull at me every time he crossed my mind. How was I going to move on if I found Liam in every other man I met?

  A cough broke me from my thoughts, causing me to jump back. “Oh God!” My hand covered my mouth as a gasp escaped. The Caelian from the dance floor was standing next to me, invading my personal space, even after I had jumped away from him.

  Mauve eyes were locked on mine, his eyebrows pinched together like he was struggling to solve a problem. He pursed his lips before speaking, “I’m sure I know you from somewhere.”

  I looked him over again and tried to place him, but I was sure I didn’t know him.

  “I’ve never seen you before.”

  “You live at the orphanage?” he asked gruffly.

  “Yes.” He rubbed his hand over his chin as he shifted his body to face me, leaning his hip against the railing and crossing his arms with an unconstrained haughtiness.

  “How long?” His voice softened somewhat, but was still demanding.

  “Since the day after I was born,” I replied. His questions were getting a little personal and quite frankly, I didn’t know why he was even interested. My story wasn’t different than thousands of other Caelian orphans.

  “Were your parents norms or Caelians?” He leaned forward, bending at the hips in what I assumed was supposed to be an intimidating gesture, but instead just pissed me off.

  I copied his stance. “Who cares? It really doesn’t matter,” I replied through my teeth.

  His penetrating gaze locked on to mine again and I met his stare head on. Who was this guy?

  A hearty laugh burst from his lips, startling me for the second time tonight. It was my turn to be confused.

  “You are spunky,” he declared once he finished his laughing fit.

  “Is that so?” I replied, still annoyed with him.

  “Yes. Here I thought you would easily give me information from that display back there in the kitchen.”

  I threw my hands in the air. “Whoa. Whoa. You saw me having a small freak out and you assumed I’d be willing to talk to you about my life? Who does that?”

  “A small freak out? You stopped in the middle of the room and the color drained from your face as you stared at that couple. I c
ounted a full 60 seconds before I led you out here. If I hadn’t intervened you’d probably still be standing there.” He paused and raised his eyebrows. “What is it? You haven’t seen a norm and Caelian get cozy before? Or was that Caelian boy your ex?”

  Instead of answering, I edged away from him and shifted so my body faced the backyard and turned my gaze up to the stars, admiring their beauty. This guy was in all likelihood a player and thought I’d be an easy target. I glanced to the Caelian standing next to me hoping he would have gotten the hint and moved on.

  Crap. He had moved closer. It had been a while since I had to tell a guy to get lost.

  “Listen. Um…” I stumbled.

  “Kian,” he interrupted.

  “Listen, Kian, I’m not interested. I’m sure you could find someone inside.” I turned to look at him. He was looking at me as if I were a puzzle again. “Next time, try staying out of my personal space bubble.” I nodded and turned to walk to the other end of the patio, ready to go home and sleep off this weird encounter.

  Once I had enough distance, I stopped and pulled out my phone to message Lacy. I had a message from her waiting.

  Lacy: Where R U?

  Sadie: Patio. Had a Liam moment. Needed air. Ready 2 go.

  Lacy: Be there soon.

  I put my phone back in my back pocket. Crossing my arms, I looked up at the stars again. The night was devoid of clouds, unusual for spring. Golden stars glittered across the heavens, winking at me from the endless arch of the void and transporting me to a place of tranquility. The peace of space poured into my soul.

  “What’s a Liam moment?” Kian’s gruff voice whispered. I felt his hot breath caress my ear. His closeness both startled me and sent a shiver down my spine. I straightened my back.

  “I thought I told you I wasn’t interested.” I attempted to make my voice sound forceful, but it came out soft. I felt the heat from his body as he stepped closer to me.